Your rock moving is nothing compared to what it had been if you had been a hierarchic organization. According to Donald Hughes (or was it Jason Moore?) environmental destruction has had three spurts: the first states, colonialism, and the big corporation. In all three cases it came about because a center could decide things, and get it done through bureaucracies, without having to bother with the consequences because they happened too far away.

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There is nothing lagom about 8 billion large hyperconsumptive primates each having, in our current mode of living, the metabolism/consumptive equivalent of 15 elephants, at least according to one Santa Fe Institute physicist's math. Nor will there be. Any mental energy expended on wondering how we can make this predicament, this current configuration of ourselves, work for life on earth is a waste of time. We can't, our scale alone is anti-life. I am not entirely sure what our work today is, then.

Gratitude for having the chance to be here at all, I suppose. The good news being, this current state of affairs is a one-off anomaly that in the big scheme of things promises to be shockingly short-lived.

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Lesser men would have split the rock, raised a glass of beer for a selfie and self-congratulatory Facebook post. I very much appreciate your more thoughtful, philosophical approach! ( You deserve the beer, though!).

I'd love to continue the conversation. Princen wrote his sufficiency book ages ago, which has guided my thoughts and I have recently been banging on about economic maturity. This is urgent as the weight of man-made stuff now exceeds the weight of the biological world.. https://stephenhinton.org/2024/03/03/not-degrowth-but-economic-maturity/

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I did enjoy a beer after finishing the splitting!

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Thank you Gunnar for the gentleness of your observations.



Aotearoa New Zealand

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Нажаль, lagom, як і degrowth, потребує зміни культурної парадигми, що може статися лише за покоління, а то і кілька поколінь.

Нам варто робити статусним володіння меншою кількістю матеріальних благ, статусним робити людську трансакцію та альтруїзм, заохочувати утворення дофаміну від взаємин між людьми, помірної праці, танців, тощо.

Зробити мейнстрімом супердовговічні прилади та товари, одяг та взуття які можна ремонтувати якнайдовше, заохочувати розвивати такі взаємини з біоконсорціумом та навколишнім середовищем, які сприяють найбільшій стійкості. Тощо.

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