Thanks for a good read!

The idea of a "heroic retreat" from the current path is very interesting. As a symbol perhaps it is the right way to at least try to facilitate some common ground for society as a whole to discuss what the retreat might look like and where it should go - as opposed to the current situation where it looks more like that all sides (greens and "realists" alike) are preparing to dig their heels in and brace for a last (heroic?) stand.

The idea of a retreat would perhaps allow to walk back to some misunderstandings that the late modernity is resting on, such as the one you point to here with not fully embracing that there is tension between different levels social and ecological systems.

Looking forward on reading more thoughts on the matter.

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"We must use our extraordinary abilities for a planned retreat, ensuring that we take care of the wounded and saving what is most valuable in our current culture"

I farm and through careful planning and being self sufficient I am passing my farm to another to continue


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I do the same Mat. And I think that is something honorable to do.

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In a way it is selfish... I have gone through the extreme government regulations of inviting a young fellow with family from Ghana to take over the farm. My hope is that at 75 years old I can take it easier but still work and Kari will gradually take over everything leaving him the farm as my heir. Been an interesting life's journey but I regret nothing. Visit my farm at matsfineoilsandflour.com to see what we are doing and how we are doing it. thanks


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Mat, that link doesn't seem to work?

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yes I goofed <matsfineoilsandflour.ca>

too many hacks on my account so I have had to change them a few times.

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They are experts on acronymes. Anthropogenic global warming

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Peter Turchin has written a book about the ultra-social humans, calling it Ultra-society, where he for example contended that the advantages of ultra-social behaviour successively, and in an evolutionary way, extinguished the rapacious tyrants of antiquity and made room for the more civic cultures of today.

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No one is doubting global warming. What some of us doubt is that all other factors but humans, are excluded from explaining climate. That is not science, but politics.

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Hm, frustrating read. Will reread. But, have you totaly missed that it is the transhumanists driving the "agw" narrative? Malthusianism and transhumanism. Look upp biodigital convergence. "Bio-digital convergence is essentially the merging of biology and digital technology with the aim of creating new technologies and applications that incorporate biological processes. It is made possible by advances in fields such as synthetic biology, biotechnology and digital technology, which are allowing researchers to manipulate and control biological systems in increasingly sophisticated ways."

It is the purpose of 4ir, to" evolve" the human race into cyborgs. And you are not asked to agree.

Life science, gene editing, crispr, ai. Listen to what wef klaus schwab says - it will change you. You are a hackable animal. And they are about to reduce the population of "useless eaters". Fertility is record low worldwide since rollout of gentherapy they renamed vaccine.

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I have no problem acknowledging global warming (but please don't start to discuss whether it is real or not) even if there are other groups (transhumanist or ecomodernists are good examples) that may use the narrative for purposes that I don't agree with.

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Politics driven by the transhumanists that also are in controle of UN in partnership with WEF.

Agenda2030 =4ir=biodigital convergence=human evolution into cyborgs.

They are completelt open about this and they are droling over the trillions and the total controle of everything.

It is fast being built around us with the digital controle grid, so called smart cities, digital id and cbdc. The 10 000 dollar question to anyone supporting agenda2030/4ir is how this agenda in any way will effect the climate. I'm waiting and repeating the question. Never any answer but questioning the messenger. Most of the environmentalists seemes to be supporting transhumanists and global goverment by psyhcopaths without ever doing their homework on power or history of the actors involved. Anyone questioning is being mocked, censored, definanced, expelled. I hear demands from environmentalist of making it criminalised to even speak about other factors. "deniers" are being named national threats and terrorists. This is a really uggly development.

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I also think that the sgd:s are misdirected in a lot of ways and I have no faith in that what some call the 4th industrial revolution will be any improvement, rather the opposite - more of the same. I see them as distractions and misdirected energies as well as symptoms that the people in charge are really stuck.

I don't think anybody, or psychopaths, are in control of this, it is just inherent in the Machine. I believe we better direct our energies in criticising the workings of the Machine rather than assign evilness to the UN, WEF etc. Of course they uphold the power relations in the world in a similar way as limited companies will strive to enrich their owners and manager, anything else would be sensational.

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Mar 24Edited

Well, the machine is heavily compartementalised. Lots of serfes are making the machine work without controling the agenda. But, there are controlers even if they like us not to see them. If you have exclusive rights to create "money" - you are in controle.

And there are real physical persons using their influence in a very powerful way. Ofcourse they have disagreements among themselves, but on the bigger picture they are on board. The "criminocracy" is a term Paul Cudenec gave them. It is really hard to realise that they actually are psycopaths. They don't give a dam!

You wrote about evolution, that is what they are up to. And they use agw as a vehicle for this agenda of total controle. Most people have no clue what 4ir is, or the ideology behind it. It is extra disturbing that really wellmeaning people that is prepared to sacrifice even having children to "save the climate" are being used to promote this sick agenda. If you make people really scared, they are then easy to manipulate into comitting autrocities.

I have followed your writing for long and admire your work on showing the logical lopeholes. I have never seen your reflection on how it can be accepted that every other factor but human activity affecting climate is excluded from the ipcc reports (except workinggroup 1, with scientists. And they are certainly not in consensus.) How come?

These are not powerless people leading those companies. And they are connected in a "small world".


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No, they are not powerless – but not all-powerful either. They are in between, just because there are such a lot of people that are in between, and the outcome is a result of negotiations between them.

Of course only the mobilized can negotiate. For example, the world was a better place to live in in the postwar era, because trade unions and national liberaltion movements were mobilized then, and rather powerful. But the national liberation movements turned into state officials and demobilized, while the labour movements were killed by oursourcing of production. Not as a result of any conspiracy, but because this was advantageous for the individual capitalists.

But in the end we will move in the direction of the resultant of the goals of innumerable mobilized negotiators. This is an incentive to mobilize, while the mindset of the conspirationist is an incentive to do nothing.

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Not sure what the agw narrative is?

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I suspect by agw he means anthropogenic global warming.

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