Thank you (at the end of the year) for all your carefully informative posts: as a non-specialist I am particularly grateful for your making "the science" understandable.

Jag önskar dig en god fortsättning!

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Thanks for positive feedback Mark.

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Dec 27Edited

It is really sickening to read that you call people conspiracy theorists and right wing when they alert you to something called The great reset (or the fourth industrial revolution, or agenda2030) . It is boardering to stupidity to ignore the fact that the 1000 most ruthless companies in the world gather under the umbrella of World economic forum, that since 2019 in so called partnership with Un, has the mission to implement agenda2030/sdg. K Schwab brag about how they "penetrate the cabinets", call the national parlaments "enabling environment" via policycreating think tanks ang ngos and their handpicked leaders Young global leaders. Why? Why work for those fascist by calling people the intentionally derogative "conspiracy theorist"? A way to silence people oposing global fascism.


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To blame individual companies or capitalist for the inherent workings of capitalism is rather pointless in my view. All these guys and girls just do what they are supposed to do within the existing framework. I don't see any added value in framing this as a conspiracy, on the contrary, I believe the narrative obscurs more than it reveals.

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Just because some folk think there is a “conspiracy” doesn’t mean there is one. Governments often work in a way that is contrary to the benefit of their electorate. In my view that’s more likely because of incompetence rather than a conspiracy. Here in the UK our parliament and government is dominated by privately educated individuals who often have little “real” world experience. ie: private school, Oxbridge, think tank to politics to MP to minister to Prime minister.

As my late father used to say “ they know not of what they speak”! Which is also applicable to journalists. It’s little wonder things go wrong.

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i´d say it is not a question of speculating or believing. It is an open conspiracy, they tell you straight out what they want and what they have in planthat they are transhumanists believeing they are semigods with the right/duty to "improve" humanity. Take a look at biodigital convergence. There is no use, no benefit, to denye that some very filthy rich indidvidiuals get together and plan actions to their benefit. Have a look at world economic forums page and tell me they are not having sinister plan and the means to act. Ofcourse it is compartmentalised. And there certainly are many that don´t know what they speak of, or for whom. There is alo a saying that it is really hard to understand something if your income depends on you not understanding. The number of people depending financially on money from this "cabal" is huge including journalists, scientists, politicians and all the rightous people working for "nonprofit" ngo:es.

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